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Annuity Policy
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Death Benefit
Death Benefit
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Line of credit/overdraft
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Motor Vehicle- Third Party Fire and Theft
Motor Vehicle- Uninsured Third Party
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Non FF debt/Non-financial product deb
Non rules
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Other Complaint
Other Complaint
Other Complaint
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Other superannuation fund complaint
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Personal and Domestic Property- Domestic Pet
Personal and Domestic Property- Horse
Personal and Domestic Property- Mobile Phone
Personal and Domestic Property- Moveables
Personal and Domestic Property- Pleasure Craft
Personal and Domestic Property- Trailer
Personal and Domestic Property- Valuables
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Promissory Notes
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Safe Custody
Scholarship Funds
Self-managed Superannuation Fund
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Sickness and Accident Insurance
Small APRA Fund
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Stored Value Cards
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Superannuation Account
Superannuation Account
Superannuation Account
Superannuation Account
Superannuation Fund
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Terminal Illness
Terminal Illness
Terminal Illness
Terminal Illness
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Total & Permanent Disability
Total & Permanent Disability
Total & Permanent Disability
Total & Permanent Disability
Total & Permanent Disability
Total & Permanent Disability
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Total & Temporary Disability
Total & Temporary Disability
Total & Temporary Disability
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Issue Type
AFCA Engagement
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FF Decision
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Financial Difficulty/Hardship
Internal Dispute Resolution
Lending and Recovery Practice
Non rules
Other Complaint
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Privacy and Credit Reporting
Records Management
Sales Practices
Transactions and Processing
A fee or charge - eg premiums, excesses
Account administration error
Account balance
Account closure
Account closure
Account operations and features
Account restriction
Account switching process
Accounting for reduced input tax credit
Accuracy of credit file enquiry
Accuracy of default listing
Accuracy of FHA reporting
Accuracy of liability listing
Accuracy of reporting (CRB)
Accuracy of RHI reporting
AFCA approach to terms of settlement/settlement requiring investigation
Age discrimination
Allocation of rewards points
Applicant rejects FSP decision
Application for early super release declined
Application of discount
Application of legislation
Application of policy/interpretation
Application/calculation of charge
Application/calculation of fee
Application/calculation of interest
Application/calculation of premium
Application/calculation of stamp duty
Appropriate lending
Appropriate Lending
Appropriateness of advice
Avoidance of policies
Balance transfer systems
Break costs
Break costs disclosure
Cancellation of policies
Cancellation of policy
Cancellation of refund
Cancellation/reduction of facility
CFD disclosure
Charge disclosure
Chargebacks - declined (consumer)
Chargebacks - delayed (consumer)
Chargebacks - merchant
Claim amount
Claim assessment
Claim denial: full
Claim denial: partial
Client qualification: Contracts for difference
Collection activity during open EDR case
Collection/recovery action
Commercial credit reporting
Compliance with AFCA Engagement Charter
Compliance with AFCA preliminary assessment/recommendation
Compliance with AFCA timeframes
Compliance with APPs
Compliance with best interest obligations
Compliance with CR Code (other)
Compliance with customer mandate
Compliance with director duties
Compliance with duty of utmost good faith
Compliance with enforceable undertakings
Compliance with know your client obligations
Compliance with management agreement
Compliance with settlement agreement
Conduct of assessor/contractor
Conduct of employees/authorised representatives
Conduct of investigator
Conduct of Trustees
Conflict of Interest
Consent to disclose
Consent to electronic delivery
Content of siginificant event notice
Contract/policy delivery
Co-operating with AFCA
CR Code Complaints Management
Credit Enquiry
Credit file corrections
Credit reporting
Credit Score
Dealing with vulnerable consumers
Death benefit distribution
Death benefit distributions
Decline of Financial Difficulty Request
Deductible or excess
Default judgment obtained
Default Listing
Default Notice
Delay in claim handling
Delay in complaint handling
Delay/error in superannuation rollovers
Delays in claim handling
Denial of application or variation request
Denial of claim
Denial of claim-complainant non-disclosure
Denial of claim-DUI
Denial of claim-Exclusion/ condition
Denial of claim-Fraudulent claim
Denial of claim-No policy or contract
Denial of claim-No proof of loss
Denial of variation request
Design, pricing and distribution
Did not comply with Rules, OGs or other policy
Did not comply with Rules, OGs or other policy
Did not understand complaint
Direct debits
Disability discrimination
Discharge of Loans
Discourteous communication
Dishonoured transactions
Documentation missing from file
Duplicate transactions
Early access to super
Early access to superannuation advice
Early repayment fee/cost
Elder abuse
Engagement charter issue
Error in debt collection
Errors in Determination
Failed to address key issues/concerns in decision
Failed to follow process
Failure to act in client's best interests
Failure to exchange information
Failure to follow instructions/agreement
Failure to give effect to AFCA determination
Failure to prioritise clients interests
Failure to provide advice
Failure to provide special needs assistance
Failure/ refusal to provide access
False/misleading information
Family law division of super benefit
Family Violence/co-debtor hardship
Family violence/co-debtor policies
Fee disclosure
Fee Disclosure
FF complaint handling
FF failure to respond to request for assistance
FF process took too long
Financial advice provided by my trustee
Financial difficulty policy
Flood claim
General advice warnings
Guarantee requirements
Guarantor financial difficulty
High conflict complainant
I believe the fee has been incorrectly charged to me
I believe the fee has been incorrectly charged to me
I cannot afford my repayments
I was provided with incorrect fee information
I was provided with incorrect fee information
IA process took too long
Identification procedures
Inadequate assistance provided
Inadequate documentation/phone notes
Inadequate response to calls or correspondence
Inadequate response to questions/information requests
Inappropriate advice
Inappropriate debt collection action
Inappropriate margin call notice and/or investment
Inappropriate portfolio liquidation
Inapproriate collection activity
Incorrect payment
Incorrect advice
Incorrect assessment of fact/law
Incorrect commissions
Incorrect fees/ costs
Incorrect Fees/Charges EXAMPLE CONFIRM
Incorrect financial information provided
Incorrect interest added
Incorrect premiums
Incorrect product/service information
Incorrect tax
Incorrect/inappropriate advice
Incorrect/inappropriate advice
Incorrect/inappropriate data collection
Incorrect/inappropriate data collection
Incorrect/inappropriate data correction
Incorrect/inappropriate data maintenance
Incorrect/inappropriate data maintenance
Incorrect/inappropriate data use or disclosure
Incorrect/inappropriate data use or disclosure
Incorrectly processed instructions
Insufficient product/service information
Interpretation of Policy Terms and Conditions
Interpretation of product terms and conditions
Investment scam
Issues with referral to IA
Joint loan benefit
Jurisdictional reviews
Lack of procedural fairness
Lack of update
Level of expertise
Liability Disputed
Limitation of account (third-party use)
Loss of documents/ personal property
Management of a systemic issue/ Code breaches
Management of complainant details
Market manipulation
Membership or complaint fees
Merging superannuation accounts
Merging superannuation funds
Merits - case decision
Merits - jurisdictional decision
Miselading conduct/information: social media
Misleading conduct
Misleading conduct: high risk product
Misleading conduct: sustainable finance
Misleading product/service information
Misrepresentation: information about EDR
Mistaken internet payment
Mistaken Internet Payment
Mortgagee sale
Mortgagee sale
My application for credit was declined
My complaint involves a scam
My complaint is with another driver’s insurer
No claim bonus
Non rules
Non ToR
Notice of change
Other CDR issue
Other CDR issue
Other Complaint
Other discrimination
Other privacy breaches
Other reason / not sure
Other reason for disputing the fee / not sure
Other reason for disputing the fee / not sure
Other type of scam
Policy interpretation
Poor quality information /advice provided
Post determination communication
Post recommendation communication
Premium disclosure
Premium increase
Pressure to accept a decision or settle the complaint
Privacy access request
Privacy/confidentiality breach
Privacy/confidentiality breach
Proof of dispatch
Providing information to AFCA
Quantum of loss
Racial discrimination
Re-allocation issues
Recognition of authorised representative/trustee/POA/guardian
Recording customer address
Recording information/data
Recovery of EDR costs
Reduction in benefit
Release of securities
Repayment History Information
Request to close account
Request to open account
Request to Suspend Enforcement Proceedings
Responsible lending
Responsible lending
Retaining information/data
RG 271 Part A- AFCA Membership
RG 271 Part B- Complaint and complaint definition
RG 271 Part C- IDR response standards
RG 271 Part C- IDR Timeframes
RG 271 Part D- Systemic issues
RG 271 Part E- IDR standards
Sale of add-on insurance
Sale of funeral insurance
Sale to vulnerable consumer
SC complaint handling
SC process took too long
Scam - MasterCard Prepaid
Scam - phishing/ spoofing
Scam - remote access
Scam transactions
Security and destruction/de-identification
Security and Destruction/De-identification
Serious contravention of law
Service issue
Service quality
Settlement delay
Small business financial difficulty
Special needs not addressed
Statement delivery
Statement of advice
Successor fund transfer systems
Suitability of product
Supervision of sales conduct/authorised representative
Technical communication issue
Technical Problems
Terms and conditions delivery
Terms of hardship agreement/contract variation
Transaction failure
Transfer of unclaimed monies
Unable to access the portal
Unauthorised conduct
Unauthorised information disclosed
Unauthorised transactions
Unauthorised transactions
Unclaimed money
Unclear funds
Unconscionable conduct
Unfair contract term
Unfair contract terms
Unit pricing disclosure
Unregulated contract financial difficulty
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